Predoctoral training grant renewed
A long-running predoctoral training program in cognitive aging has received a five-year grant renewal from the National Institute on Aging, which will fund the program through its 20th year.
A long-running predoctoral training program in cognitive aging has received a five-year grant renewal from the National Institute on Aging, which will fund the program through its 20th year.
Michael Marsiske was promoted to Full Professor. Congratulations to Drs. David Fedele and Adam J. Woods, who were announced as receiving tenure and being promoted to Associate Professor. Michael Marsiske Adam J. Woods (l) and David Fedele (r)
Our lab enjoyed a leisurely kickoff to the 2017-2018 academic year. (L-R) Michael Marsiske, Jackie Maye, Lindsay Rotblatt, Brad Taylor
By Ciara Varone, Daily Sun Staff Writer Filling in a crossword puzzle, playing poker with friends or strumming a guitar won’t help sculpt muscle, but it may contribute to improved fitness.
Michael Marsiske was selected as President Elect of Division 20 (Adult Development and Aging) of the American Psychological Association.
On June 16, over 100 faculty and staff joined Dr. Perri at the PHHP college-wide meeting to honor the 2016 and 2017 recipients of the UF Term Professorships. Congratulations to these individuals who have been recognized by the university for their outstanding scholarly achievements.
In a detailed story for the Florida Physician, the ACT (Augmenting Cognitive Training) Study, directed by Dr. Adam J. Woods, with Ron Cohen and Michael Marsiske, was featured.
As part of the national March for Science on April 22, 2017, many in the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology joined the Gainesville and National marches.
New study investigates investigates brain stimulation as a method of strengthening cognitive training effects in older adults.
Collaborators Dawn Bowers and Ann Horgas have received Florida Department of Health Alzheimer's awards. We congratulate our colleagues on these important awards! Michael Marsiske is also looking forward to collaborating with Dr. Horgas on her project, on which he is a co-investigator.