Everyday Problems Test

Everday Problems Test (Willis & Marsiske, 1993) page

The materials on this page are copywritten by Sherry L. Willis, Professor of Human Development and Family Studies, The Pennsylvania State University. These materials may only be downloaded and used with her explicit permission. Michael Marsiske was a graduate student, mentored by Dr. Willis, at the time of the creation of this instrument. The material gives you everything you need to administer and score the Everyday Problems Test (EPT). There are multiple versions of the EPT; the version shown here is the 28-item version used in the ACTIVE clinical trial. The materials are designed to be administered in a group testing situation, and the administration script is featured on the first page of the test. This is an open-ended test; the scoring manual details scoring rules, and provides practice scoring examples.

No use of this instrument is permitted without the permission of Sherry L. Willis, Ph.D. There is no implied right of use, adaptation or translation of these items. Commercial use of these materials is expressly forbidden, as is clinical use. The materials have not been validated for any diagnostic or assessment purpose.

Testing materials

Everyday Problems Test (28 item version)
Question by question administration guide, EPT
Administration script and standardized responses to questions, EPT

Scoring Manuals

Scoring manual: Fronts Matter (Introduction, instructions, coding rules)
Scoring manual: Example 1
Scoring manual: Example 2
Scoring manual: Example 3
Scoring manual: Answer key for Examples 1 – 3
Scoring manual: Example 4
Scoring manual: Example 5
Scoring manual: Example 6
Manual for the Everyday Problems Test (Willis & Marsiske, 1993).  Note:  This manual refers to an older 84-item version of the EPT.  It is useful mainly for establishing initial norms/demographic trends/factor structure/reliability and validity of the instrument.


Manuscript:  Meyer et al., 1993
Manuscript:  Willis & Marsiske, 1995
Manuscript:  Willis, 1996
Manuscript:  Bertrand et al., 1999
Manuscript: Ball et al., 2002
Manuscript: Gallo et al., 2003
Manuscript:  Whitfield et al., 2004

To direct further inquiries about the EPT, please contact Sherry L. Willis(slw@psu.edu) or Michael Marsiske (marsiske@ufl.edu)