Observed Tasks of Daily Living

OTDL Stimuli, instructions, and instructional videos

These materials and videos are derived from the ACTIVE Study, and were made in March 1998. The non-video material gives you everything you need to make up, use, administer and score an OTDL kit. The videos highlight some peculiarities of the ACTIVE study (e.g., specific organization of the OTDL testing kit, names of particular contact people, etc.), but should still be useful in giving a ballpark idea of how to administer and score the OTDL.

Video files are all in “Windows Media” (asf) streaming format.  To obtain the free Windows Media Player, visit the Microsoft website at http://www.microsoft.com.

For ACTIVE Scorers seeking certification ONLY

OTDL Example 4 to enter
OTDL Example 5 to enter
OTDL Example 6 to enter

Kit, Administration, and Scoring Manuals

Introductory Memo
OTDL Question-by-question administration manual
OTDL Scoring Manual

Kit Assembly Components

OTDL Test Booklet (for recording responses)

Data and Scoring File Examples

SPSS .sav data example for OTDL data
Excel .xls data example for OTDL data
Codebook linking the form and computer variable names
Computer (SPSS) Scoring algorithm for OTDL. Thanks to Elizabeth Harlow and Katherine Echt, Health Literacy Studies, Atlanta VA Medical Center Rehab RandD, for syntax corrections 6/28/2005
Computer (SAS) Scoring algorithm for OTDL

Instructional Videos

Introduction to OTDL testing and kit organization (Ann Horgas)
Demonstration of administration of the OTDL, Part 1 (Minou Carey)
Demonstration of administration of the OTDL, Part 2 (Minou Carey)
Review and notes on demonstration (Ann Horgas)
Overview of coding principles and ACTIVE coding certification rules (Michael Marsiske)
Line-by-line coding review of demonstration, Part 1 (Michael Marsiske)
Line-by-line coding review of demonstration, Part 2 (Michael Marsiske)


Diehl, M. K., Marsiske, M., Horgas, A. L., Rosenberg, A., Saczynski, J. S., & Willis, S. L. (2005). The Revised Observed Tasks of Daily Living: A performance-based assessment of everyday problem solving in older adults. The Journal of Applied Gerontology, 24(3), 211-230
Diehl, M. K., Willis, S. L., & Schaie, K. W. (1995). Everyday problem solving in older adults: Observational assessment and cognitive correlates. Psychology & Aging, 10(3), 478-491

To direct further inquiries about the OTDL, please contact Manfred Diehl (mdiehl@ufl.edu ), Ann Horgas (ahorgas@nursing.ufl.edu ) or Michael Marsiske (marsiske@ufl.edu ).