Lab News

Research AREAS

Current Research

ACTIVE Cognitive Training Trial: 20-Yr Follow-up of Functioning, Health, and Dementia

The Advanced Cognitive Training for Independent and Vital Elderly (ACTIVE) study is the largest randomized clinical trial (N = 2802) to examine whether cognitive training enhanced both cognitive abilities and everyday functioning in normal older adults. This 20-year follow-up would allows us to address whether training-related enhancement of cognition and everyday functioning associated with a long-term reduction in disability, loss of independence, and incident dementia.


Current Research

1Florida ADRC

We are a consortium of Florida institutions helping to change the current understanding of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias from being incurable, inevitable and largely untreatable to a new reality in which these diseases are curable, preventable and treatable.

Elders attending a community lecture

Current Research

Augmenting Cognitive Training

The Augmenting Cognitive Training in Older Adults (ACT Study) evaluates the benefit of delivering adjunctive transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) when combined with cognitive training in older adults.

Augmenting cognitive training study

Welcome to my personal pages

Michael Marsiske, Ph.D.

Welcome to my personal pages. On these pages, you can get links to (a) course resources for my classes, (b) details about the National Institute on Aging-funded predoctoral research training program that I administer, (c) research and professional information about me and (d) links to organizations and individuals of current and historical relevance to me.

Michael Marsiske headshot 2023