Experts in Non-Pharmacological Interventions for Cognition in Aging, MCI, & Alzheimer’s Disease
Speech, Language, & Hearing Sciences
Lori Altmann, PhD
Language, executive function & basal ganglia disease; Exercise interventions on dual task processing in Parkinson’s disease
Clinical & Health Psychology
Stephen Anton, PhD
Health promotion, preventive medicine, & healthy weight management
Clinical & Health Psychology
Russell Bauer, PhD
Differential diagnosis & preclinical detection of dementia
Clinical & Health Psychology
Jeffrey Boissoneault, PhD
Experience of pain in people with alcoholic & substance abuse disorders
Clinical & Health Psychology
Dawn Bowers, PhD
Neuropsychology of emotion, basal ganglia & limbic functions in emotion, TMS, psychophysiology, laterality, forensic neuropsychology
Rehabilitation Science
Sherrilene Classen, PhD
Driving rehabilitation, neurological disorders, older adults, rehabilitation, measurement
Clinical & Health Psychology
Ronald Cohen, PhD
Neuroimaging, age-associated cognitive & brain dysfunction, neurodegenerative disorders (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, MCI)
Linda Cottler, PhD
Epidemiology, addiction, community based research, interventions, health disparities, global health, & mentoring
Yenisel Cruz-Almeida, PhD
Mechanisms involved in age-related pain perception & modulation in humans
Steven DeKosky, PhD
Diagnosis, treatment & prevention of dementia & TBI; neurochemistry & genetics related to CNS regeneration
Biomedical Engineering
Mingzhou Ding, PhD
Signal processing, oscillatory neural networks & neurobiological data
Natalie Ebner, PhD
Aging perspective on emotion, motivation & social cognition
community dentistry
Roger Fillingim, PhD
Biological, social, & psychological factors that may influence the experience of pain
Todd Golde, MD-PhD
Therapeutic approaches to neurodegenerative disease
Applied Physiology & Kinesiology
Christopher Hass, PhD
Efficacy of intervention programs for improving quality of life, neuromechanical control, & disease progression in Parkinson’s disease
Ann Horgas, PhD
Aging & pain management in persons with dementia
Clinical & Health Psychology
Shellie-Anne Levy, PhD
Cognitive changes in older adults with MCI & neurodegenerative disorders
Ben Lewis, PhD
Adapting cognitive training to improve outcomes for treatment-seeking adults with alcohol use disorders
Applied Physiology & Kinesiology
Todd Manini, PhD
Physical exercise to prevent disability in healthy & frail older adults; Assess the mechanisms leading to sarcopenia & functional decline
Clinical & Health Psychology
Michael Marsiske, PhD
Cognitive aging & behavioral interventions strategies; statistical modeling
Sara Nixon, PhD
Sex differences in addiction, aging, neurobehavior & neurophysiology
Marco Pahor, MD
Geriatric research, physical function, disability, epidemiology, randomized control trials
Clinical & Health Psychology
Eric Porges, PhD
Mechanisms of aging & healthy development across the lifespan
Clinical & Health Psychology
Catherine Price, PhD
Role of white matter & subcortical gray matter on cognitive profiles of neurodegenerative diseases
Clinical & Health Psychology
Mike Robinson, PhD
Health/medical psychology, assessment & management of pain, experimental pain & psychophysics, rehabilitation, psychophysiology
Clinical & Health Psychology
Glenn Smith, PhD
Cognitive aging & dementia
Catherine Striley, PhD
Increasing treatment for mental & behavioral health among community members
Clinical & Health Psychology
Jared Tanner, PhD
Morphometric properties of subcortical gray matter in aging & neurodegenerative disease
Applied Physiology & Kinesiology
David Vaillancourt, PhD
Motor control, motor disorders, neurological disorders, brain structure & function
John Williamson, PhD
Role of the central & peripheral nervous system in brain states & behavior
Clinical & Health Psychology
Adam Woods, PhD
Novel cognitive & neuro-inflammation neuroimaging biomarkers & intervention approaches