

Below are links to syllabi for classes that I teach.  You may contact me at . At the bottom of this page, I also list some courses/programs in other departments that might be of interest to students.


Course Title When
recent Syllabus
 CLP 6527 stats_image1 Measurement, Design and Statistics I every Fall syllabus Admission to graduate study in  Clinical and Health Psychology, Psychology, Rehabilitation Sciences,Health Services Research, Management and Policy, or Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences. All others must petition. Please email the instructor Michael Marsiske for next steps.

To opt out of CLP 6527/6528 (for those for whom it is required but feel they already have mastered the content), please email the instructor Michael Marsiske for next steps.

 CLP 6528 Blackboard with mathematics sketches - vector illustration Measurement, Design and Statistics II every Spring syllabus Completion of CLP 6527 with a grade better than C+. All others must petition. Please email the instructor Michael Marsiske for next steps.
CLP 6529 stats_image4 Applied Multivariate Methods in Psychology every Fall syllabus Completion of CLP 6528 with a grade better than C+. All others must petition. Please email the instructor Michael Marsiske for next steps.
 CLP 7525 stats_image3 Best Methods for the Analysis of Change every Spring syllabus Completion of CLP 6529 with a grade better than C+. All others must petition. Please email the instructor Michael Marsiske for next steps.
 CLP 7934 np_image Neuropsychology of Aging directed reading
class; every
Summer / Fall)
syllabus None.  Prior coursework in cognitive psychology and/or neuropsychology is strongly recommended


 CLP 7934

decorative image

History of Psychology directed reading
class; every
syllabus None.  Students in clinical, counseling and school psychology are given preferred access


To petition for CLP 6527/6528/6529/7525 or to opt out of CLP 6527/6528 (if it is a required course hat you’d like to have waived), please email the instructor Michael Marsiske for next steps.

Programs/courses in other departments